2023 AFTERGLOW, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, NY
Radiant Darkness, Galerie Mitterand, Paris, France
2022 Reflection, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, FL
Radiant Darkness, Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, France
2020 Speechless Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2019 I Remember Ceramic Castles, Mermaids & Japanese Bridges, Norton Museum of Art Permanent Installation
2018 Float, Brooklyn Museum, New York, NY
2017 OH2/H2O, Gavlak, Palm Beach, FL
2016 A Distant Mirror, Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, France
Blue Ghost, 39 Great Jones, New York, NY
2015 Blindsight, Arthur Roger Gallery, New Orleans, LA
2014 The Backstage of the Universe, GAVLAK, Los Angeles, CA
2013 The Lure Of Unknown Regions Beyond The Rim Of Experience, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
The Green Ray, GAVLAK, Palm Beach, FL
2012 I Remember Ceramic Castles, Mermaids & Japanese Bridges, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL
REMEMBER ME, JGM.Galerie, Paris, France
2011 IN COG NITO, Locks Gallery,Philadelphia, PA (catalogue)
2009 Artificial Paradise, JGM.Galerie, Paris, France
KISMET, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, FL
2008 LIKE THE FLICKERING OF A CANDLE (catalogue), Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA.
2006 The Heartbeat of a Bird, Craig Starr Associates, New York, NY
2006 FRENCH KISS, JGM. Galerie, Paris, France
2004 Imitation and Disguise, JGM. Galerie, Paris, France
2002 Almost Nothing, Galerie Oliver Schweden, Munich, Germany
2001 Galerie Edward Mitterrand, Geneva, Switzerland
1999 Thread drawings, Glass & ceramic sculpture, Galerie Oliver Schweden, Munich, Germany
You’re Dreaming, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York City, NY
Breathe, Rebecca Ibel Gallery, Columbus Ohio
1998 Rob Wynne: Glass Sculpture and Word Drawings, JGM. Galerie, Paris, France
1995 Sleepwalking, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York City, NY
1994 Window Shopping, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York , NY
1997 Afterglow ( catologue), Galerie Oliver Schweden, Munich, Germany
1981 Sphere Redux (installation), The Kitchen, New York City, NY
2019 Sunblink, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Visible Traces (Mountain Water Air), Lévy Gorvy, New York City, NY
the thing itslef, GAVLAK, Palm Beach, FL
2018 Rob Wynne + Les Lalannes PASTORAL, GAVLAK, Los Angeles, CA
Beautiful Strangers: Artists Discover the Garden, Berkshire Botanical Garden, Stockbridge, MA
2017 Flaming June VII: Flaming Creatures, GAVLAK, Los Angeles, CA
Pride of Peace New Orleans Museum of Art, LA
Vitreous Bodies: Assembled Visions In Glass, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, Boston, MA
Blue Ghost, 39 Great Jones, New York, NY
2016 Summer '16, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Pop Real, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2015 Ten Year Anniversary, GAVLAK Los Angeles, CA
Emmanation, Wheaton Arts, Millville, NJ
2014 Inaugural Exhibition, GAVLAK Los Angeles, CA
Please Enter, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York City, NY
2013 Reading List: Selections from the MoMA Library collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Word, Tomlinson / Kong Contemporary, New York City, NY
Something About A TREE, curated by Linda Yablonsky, The Flag Art Foundation, New York, NY
Extravagant Creatures, curated by Clarissa Darlymple, C24 Gallery, New York, NY
Seventh Inning Stretch, Eric Firestone Gallery, East Hampton, NY
2012 Alchemy, 7 Eleven Gallery, NYC
2011 A Sentimental Education, GAVLAK Palm Beach, FL
Super Vision, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2010 A Two Gallery Teacup Show, Turtle Point Press and Rose Burungham Living Room, New York, NY
Consider The Oyster, James Graham and Sons, New York, September 23-October 30, curated by Ingrid Dinter
Multiple Pleasures: Functional Objects In Contemporary Art, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, NY curated by
Nathalie Karg / Cumulus Studios
NATURAL RENDITIONS, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, NY 2010 “NEW LIGHT”, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME, 7Eleven Gallery, New York, NY 2010 “THINK PINK”, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida
2009 KREEMART, Rob Wynne, Marina Abramovic, Mickalene Thomas,Leandro Ehrlich, Haunch of Venison, New York City, NY
FIGMENT, Kumukumu, Curated by Florence Uchida, NY.,N.Y. 2009 “Sparkle & Glitter”, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Diletteantes, Dandies, and Divas, Gavlak Projects, West Palm Beach, FL
2008 I Won’t Grow Up, Cheim & Reid. New York City, NY (catalogue)
Anthology, Otero Plassart, Los Angeles, CA
How to cook a wolf: part one, Dinter Fine Art New York, NY
Getting Out Our Dreams, Otero-Plassart, Los Angles, CA
Gold in Contemporary Art, Centre PasquArt Kunsthaus, Seevorstdat, Switzerland, (catalogue)
2007 Death & love in MODERN TIMES, Dinter Fine Art, New York, NY
Rouge Baiser, Biennale Estuaire Nantes, Saint Nazaire, Nantes, France
2005 High Drama: Eugene Berman and the Legacy of the Melancholic Sublime, curated by Michael Duncan
Georgia Museum of Fine Art, Athens, Georgia McNay Art Museum, Austin, TX
The Upper Half, Stadtische Museum, Heilbronn, Germany Kunsthalle, Emden, Germany Museum Liner, Appenzell,
Walls ’n Things, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, N.Y. selected by Clarissa Dalrymple
Glass, Seriously, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, N.Y., curated by Lilly Wei (catalogue)
2004 Instituto de Artes Graficas de Oaxaca (IAGO), Oaxaca, Mexico, Carpe Diem Artists Books
Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, Massachusetts, Print Publisher’s Spotlight: Carpe Diem Press
Art and Illusion, Frederick Weisman Museum of Art, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, CA
Rob Wynne and Stephen Mueller, Rebecca Ibel Gallery, Columbus, OH
Gluck/Luck, ACC Galerie, Weimar, Germany
Carpe Diem Editions, Texas Gallery, Houston, Texas
2003 Reading:Material, Kunsthalle Luitpold Block, Munich, Germany, Volume, NYC, NY
NYPD, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Arthur Roger Gallery, New Orleans, LA
On the Wall, The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (catalogue)
2002 Officina/America, Galleria D’arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy, (catalogue)
Portraits, Galerie Edward Mitterrand, Geneva, Switzerland
2001 Rob Wynne and Elisabeth Kley, Rupert Goldsworthy Gallery, New York City
2000 American Art Today: Fantasies & Curiosities, The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, curated by
Dahlia Morgan
1999 Past Forward, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York City, NY
The Fifth International, New York City, The Salon of 1999, Curated by David Rimanelli
1998 Le Corps du Livre, Carre d’Art Bibliothèque, Nimes, France, (catalogue)
Vertical Painting, P.S.1 Institute for Contemporary Art, Long Island City, New York,
1997 John Baldessari, Nam June Paik, Jack Pierson, Andy Warhol, Rob Wynne, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York City, NY
Woven in Oaxaca, A/D, New York City, NY
A-DRESS, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Canada
Fashion Is a Verb, Museum at F.I.T., New York City, NY
1995 The Outside/Inside, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmunder, Germany, (catalogue)
1994 Holly Solomon Gallery, New York City
1993 Art, Money & Myth, Palm Beach Museum of Art, Lake Worth, Florida
Cadavre Exquis, The Drawing Center, New York City
1992 Slow Art: Painting in New York Now, P.S. 1 Museum, Long Island City, New York
1990 The Unique Print, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, (catalogue)
1986 About Place: Contemporary American Landscape, P.S. 1 Museum, Long Island City, New York,
1984 Cable Gallery, New York City
2019 Rob Wynne Post Nostalgia. Olin Hall Galleries, Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia, Essay by Lilly Wei
2016 Rob Wynne: A DISTANT MIRROR, Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, France Interview with Timothee Chaillou
2011 IN COG NITO, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia,PA. with an interview with Alice Quinn, director of The Poetry
Society of America
2010 Nathan Bernstein & Co., New York, NY “Reflection”
2009 JGM Galerie, Paris, France “Artificial Paradise” Story by AM Homes
Like the Flickering of a Candle. Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. Essay by Carter Ratcliff
2008 DESSINS New York 2008, Collection Guerlain
2005 GLASS, SERIOUSLY Dorsky Gallery Curatorial Programs, L.I.C. NY 2005 curated by Lilly Wei Collection Guerlain: Dessins,
New York
Die Obere Halfte, Stadtische Museen, Heilbronn, Germany, Editions Braus
High Drama: Eugene Berman and the Legacy of the Melancholic Sublime by Michael Duncan, The Marion Koogler
McNay Art Museum,
San Antonio, Texas, Hudson Hills Press, NY and Manchester
2003 On the Wall: Contemporary Wallpaper, co-published by The Fabric Workshop and Museum and The Museum of Art,
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
2002 La Collection du Frac des Pays de la Loire 2002, Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication,France
Le Corps du Livre, Carre d’Art Bibliothèque, Nimes, France
Rob Wynne: “afterglow,” text by Francis Naumann and David Rimanelli, Galerie Oliver Schweden, Munich, Germany
Le Jardin Complice de l’Art, text by Sydney Picasso, curated by Daniel Sciora, Fondation d’Art Contemporain Daniel
et Florence Guerlain, Les Mesnuls, France
1997 Apocalyptic Wallpaper, Donna De Salvo, Annetta Massie, essay by Gil Saunders, Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH
L’Art à la Page, Chateau Musée Gagnes-Sur-Mer, France
Livres d’Artistes de “Collectif Generation,” Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
The Unique Print: 70s into 90s, Clifford Ackley, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
1986 About Place: Contemporary American Landscape, Edward Leffingwell, PS1 Museum, Long Island City, New York
2023 Corwin, William. Rob Wynne: AFTERGLOW. Brooklyn Rail, October 4.
2019 MacAdam, Barbara Art News, March 15.
Corwin, William. Art Critical, Febuary 22.
Schulman, Sandra. WPB Magazine.
Bautze, Alessandra. Poetry Society of America, February 18.
2018 MacAdam, Barbara. “Rob Wynne: FLOAT,” Brooklyn Rail, July 11.
Ryder, Olivia. “Rob Wynne activates Brooklyn Museum’s period collection with dynamic mirrored-glass wall works,”
Urban Glass, June 19.
Gandhi, Lakshmi. New York’s must see art & museum shows for Summer 2018, Metro, May 31.
2017 Pagel, David. “No wallflowers here: Sparks fly when art mingles on the walls of 'Flaming
June VII',” Los Angeles Times, June 27.
2011 Linda Yablonsky. Philadelphia Inquirer. Artnet, September.
2009 Imbronco, James. PLAYBOY, July/August.
Homes, A.M. Tear of Glass. Hollands Diep, December/January.
Paris Capitale, April.
Le Magazine, March.
Art News, April.
Art in America, March.
2008 Architectural Digest. February
Mallery Roberts Morgan. “Dior,J’Adore” Interior Design Magazine, February
2007 Penelope Green. “Kips Bay, Where Everything Glitters” The New York Times, April 19: 6.
David Coleman. “The Next Garde” New York Magazine, May 21, P.100-104
2006 Leffingwell, Edward. Review, Art in America, November. MacAdam, Alfred. Review, ARTnews, November.
2006 The Art Universe, Vanity Fair, November, pp. 310–11.
2005 Morgan, Robert. “Who Takes Art Seriously?” Glass, pp. 27–33. “Profile: Peter Marino,” Architectural Digest, France: 118.
2004 Review, Houston Chronicle, June 26.
The Metamorphoses of Rob Wynne, Review. Le Figaro, May 28.
2003 MacAdam, Barbara. “Back to the Wall,” ARTnews, December, pp.104–5.
2002 Wei, Lilly. “Kismet.” Review, ARTnews, November.
Johnson, Ken. “Kismet.” Review, The New York Times, September 6. 2000 Kley, Elisabeth. “Wynne’s Dream Logic,”
Art in America, May: 134–39.
2000 MacAdam, Alfred. “Rob Wynne,” ARTnews, January.
Viladas, Pilar. “Floats Like a Butterfly,” The New York Times Magazine, February 20, pp. 51–56.
1999 Critic’s Picks, The Village Voice, November 30.
Johnson, Ken. “Critic’s Picks: Rob Wynne,” The New York Times, Weekend Section, December 17.
Yablonsky, Linda. “Rob Wynne: ‘You’re Dreaming,’” TimeOut New York, December 16–30, p. 116.
1998 MacAdam, Barbara. “Where the Dinosaurs Are The Old Masters,” ARTnews, March, pp. 162–67.
1997 Dorsey, John. “The Importance and Reality of Illusion,” The Sun, October 21, p. 3E.
1996 Levin, Kim. “Voice Choices,” The Village Voice, April 30.
Muchnic, Suzanne. Review, ARTnews, December.
The New Yorker, April 29 and May 6.
Princenthal, Nancy. Review, Art in America, September.
1994 Gardner, Paul. Review, ARTnews, December.
The New York Times, A Fashion Gallery: Eight New York Artists 1994 Interpret the New York Fall Collections,
1992 Adams, Brooks. “’Slow Art’ at P.S. 1,” Art in America, October: 154.
Liebman, Lisa. “’Slow Art’ at P.S. 1,” Interview Magazine, May: 63.
1990 Heartney, Eleanor. Review, ARTnews, January, p. 172.
The New Yorker, August 6.
1988 Leffingwell, Edward. “A Navigator’s Code: The Paintings of Rob Wynne,”
Arts Magazine, March, pp. 58–59.
Levin, Kim. The Village Voice, February 17.
1986 Brenson, Michael. The New York Times, March 19. 1981 Ginsberg, Merle. Soho News, November 10
1981 Glueck, Grace. The New York Times, November 27
2023 Rob Wynne: Obstacle Illusion, Published by Gregory R. Miller & CO, New York, New York
2001 About the Art of Looking, by Gabi Czoeppan. In Encountering Art, The Miho Museum, Shigaraki, Japan. The Overlook
Press, Woodstock & New York.
2017 Art As Jewellery, Published by ACC Art Books, by Louisa Guinness, London GB
2016 Peter Marino/Art Architecture, Published by Phaidon, London GB
2009 Inventing Marcel Duchamp, The Dynamics of Portraiture, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D.C.
WALLPAPER by Carolle Thibout-Pomerantz, Flammarion Editions
2007 VANITAS 2, edited by Vincent Katz, New York, N.Y.
2006 BY HAND (The Use of Craft in Contemporary Art), Shu Hung and Joseph Magliara, editors, Princeton
Architectural Press, N.Y.
1998 Taste, Nostalgia, edited by Allen S. Weiss. Lusitania Press.
Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York
CityCentre Pompidou, Paris, France
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
The Museum of Modern Art, New York City
The Whitney Museum of Art, New York City
The N.Y. Public Library, The Spencer Collection, New York City
The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
La Collection de Frac des Pays de la Loire, France
Bibliothèque National, Paris
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida